Friday, September 11, 2009

Nothing gold can stay.

Our first book of the year is The Outsiders. The book is narrated by Ponyboy, a greaser who lives with his two older brothers. The greasers, known as such because of the hair oil they use, are often taunted by the town's Socs (short for Socials). After Ponyboy and Johnny are seen walking a couple of Soc girls home, they are jumped by the girls' boyfriends. This sets in motion a series of events that changes things forever. As Cherry Valance says, "Things are hard all over."

The meeting to discuss The Outsiders will be held after school in the library on Wednesday, Sept. 16.

Film and Food Friday will be Sept. 18.

We hope to see you at both!

1 comment:

lifechanger said...

Hey! So i really enjoyed this book! The authors writing style made me feel like one of the gang, not the main character but still very involved. The overall theme was also very intriguing, basically a great book. Sorry i cant make it to the discussion on wed. but i hope to be there for the movie!